Winter Wellness: The Benefits of Adding Bone Broth Collagen to Your Pantry

Winter Wellness: The Benefits of Adding Bone Broth Collagen to Your Pantry

With all this frigid winter weather happening across the states, it's time to cozy up and nourish our bodies with something extra special – bone broth collagen! This magical elixir is not just a trend; it's a powerhouse of health benefits that your body will love. Perhaps not as popular as regular collagen, bone broth collagen offers additional nutrients and support. Let's dive into the wonderful world of bone broth collagen and discover why it's the perfect addition to your winter (or any season, really) routine.

What is bone broth and how is bone broth made?

Bone broth is similar in nature and make to regular stock or broth - but shouldn’t be confused as either. While stock is made from boiling animal bones and broth is made by boiling animal meat and skin, bone broth is a wonderful combination of the two made by simmering animal bones and connective tissue (think chicken, beef, or even fish) along with veggies, herbs, and spices.

Bone broth has been a staple of the human diet since ancient times and has its use in many places within both the kitchen and a healthy diet. Chicken bone broth, beef bone broth, and pork bone broth are the most common types, each with their own levels of nutrients and forms of use. No one type can truly be described as being the best bone broth, as the varying levels of fats, amino acids, proteins, and nutrients may prove more or less beneficial to any one individual's needs, diet, and flavor preferences. 

The magic happens during the slow cooking process, where collagen from the bones breaks down into gelatin (also known as hydrolyzed collagen), infusing the liquid with its incredible health benefits, while additional nutrients are pulled from the marrow, connective tissues, skin, and other ingredients. The combination of all the ingredients together are what gives bone broth collagen some potent health benefits.

Unfortunately, in our modern, busy lifestyles the long process of making bone broth (it can take up to as long as 8 hours depending on your recipe and ingredients) means it’s not as convenient to add to a routine as many would like. This is why we are so excited to introduce our newest product: Bone Broth Collagen. We’ve done all the hard work for you and loaded it with high-quality ingredients, delicious flavor, and essential bone broth health benefits. Read on to learn more.

Bone Broth Collagen is now available to purchase! Get My Bone Broth Collagen Benefits

Is bone broth good for you?

Imagine a warm, comforting hug for your insides – that's bone broth collagen for you! It's not just a tasty sip; it's loaded with nutrients that can do wonders for your health. So, what's the buzz all about and what sort of bone broth benefits can you expect?

Joint-Friendly Goodness: Ever felt those winter aches in your joints? Bone Broth Collagen is here to the rescue! Packed with amino acids like proline and glycine, it's like giving your joints a spa day. Say goodbye to stiffness and hello to flexibility!

Glowing Skin: Who doesn't want radiant skin, especially during the cold season? Collagen is a beauty booster, and our Bone Broth Collagen is rich in it (13g of collagen per scoop!) Get ready to flaunt that winter glow and say farewell to dry skin!

Immunity Boosting Magic: Winter is notorious for colds and sniffles, but fear not – Bone Broth Collagen is your immune system's best friend. It contains nutrients like zinc, vitamins A and K, and other minerals that help strengthen your body's defense against winter woes. 

Gut Health Guardian: A happy gut means a happy you! The gelatin in bone broth supports a healthy gut lining, aiding digestion and promoting a balanced microbiome. Some studies have even shown that bone broth has anti-inflammatory properties, and consuming it regularly can decrease symptoms of gastrointestinal issues like ulcerative colitis and leaky gut. 

Metabolism Support: With its high level of protein* (16g per scoop in our Bone Broth Collagen), bone broth can help curb appetite, support lean muscle mass, and enable your body to burn more calories throughout the day. It can support weight loss management efforts alongside a healthy diet and active lifestyle. *Bone Broth Collagen is not a source of complete protein.

Why Bone Broth Collagen is an Essential in Your Pantry

Now that we've covered the incredible benefits, let's talk about why Bone Broth Collagen deserves a permanent spot in your pantry:

  • Convenience: No need for complicated recipes or hours simmering in a pot here! Bone broth collagen is ready-to-use, super versatile, and so jam-packed with nutrients you’ll want to add it to your favorite soups, dishes, and stews as often as possible. Don't have time to toss together a full recipe? Bone Broth Collagen is expertly flavored so you can enjoy it on the go just by adding it to warm water.
  • Sip and Relax: Picture yourself sipping on a warm cup of Bone Broth Collagen by the fireplace. It's not just a drink; it's a moment of self-care and it only took you less than five minutes to make! Take a break, unwind, and let the goodness of collagen work its magic.
  • Budget-Friendly Brilliance: Bone Broth Collagen is a wallet-friendly option for those seeking the health benefits of multiple supplements. You're investing in your health without breaking the bank. Cheers to that!

Bone Broth Collagen is now available to purchase! Get My Bone Broth Collagen

One-Pot Bone Broth Collagen Shrimp Orzo Recipe

To get your winter started off on a delicious note, we’d love to share this 1-pot bone broth recipe with you! Load up on nearly quadruple the amount of protein you’d get from using regular chicken broth with this easy, one-pot Shrimp and Orzo main dish featuring Vitauthority’s Bone Broth Collagen. 


  • 4 scoops Vitauthority Bone Broth Collagen
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 lb thawed, peeled, deveined raw shrimp
  • 1 lb dry orzo pasta
  • 1 lemon to zest and squeeze juice from
  • 1 small fennel bulb, diced (about 1 cup); save fronds for garnish
  • 1 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 2 tsp kosher salt
  • Fresh ground black pepper, to taste


  1. Combine 1 cup diced fennel, 1 lb dry orzo pasta, 1 TBSP extra virgin olive oil, 2 tsp salt, pepper, 4 cups
  2. water, and 4 scoops of Vitauthority Chicken Soup Flavored Bone Broth Collagen in a big pot or pan with high sides.
  3. Bring to a boil and boil for about 8 minutes, stirring often to keep orzo from sticking to the pan.
  4. When most of the liquid is evaporated, add 1 lb raw shrimp and zest from one lemon to the pot, stirring to mix.
  5. Let cook about 2-3 minutes until shrimp is pink in color and orzo pasta is al dente.
  6. Squeeze half a lemon over the shrimp and stir to mix. Garnish with fennel fronds. Scoop out 4 portions and enjoy!

Winter is no match for the warmth and nourishment that bone broth collagen brings. So, grab your favorite mug, fill it with this liquid gold, and let your health journey take a cozy and delicious turn. Here's to a winter full of wellness and wonderful sips!


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