What Is the Best Type of Collagen?

Written by: Zia Ur Rehman Awais



Time to read 5 min

What is the best type of collagen ?” or “ Which type of collagen is considered best for you? ” Understanding and prioritizing your health goals are key to addressing any questions about which type of collagen suits you best. Let's dive into the different types of collagen and inform ourselves on how collagen benefits our bodies:

What is Collagen?

Let's begin with this sentence: Our body needs more collagen as we age! Collagen gives our skin volume, keeping it looking smooth and wrinkle-free. In simple words, collagen is a type of protein found in our tendons, tissues, and skin. It is what supports the elasticity of your skin and joints. In fact, a third of the protein in the human body is made up of collagen!

The 5 Main Benefits of Collagen

Collagen is vital for overall wellness because it plays a key role in supporting many parts of the body, such as:

  • Healthier Nails, Skin, and Hair: Collagen may help with skin hydration and elasticity. Additionally, because nails and hair are made up of dead skin cells, collagen also provides the support needed for stronger nails and helps prevent hair from breaking as easily. As we age, our skin and hair tend to appear more dry and wrinkles begin to form. This is because as we get older, we lose more collagen proteins than we can replace. Supplementing with collagen can help with slowing down this process. Additionally, because nails and hair are made up of dead skin cells, collagen also provides the support needed for stronger nails and helps prevent hair from breaking as easily.
  • Enhanced Lean Muscle Mass: A recent study suggests combining resistance exercise with collagen peptide supplementation can significantly improve body composition.
Collagen offers many health benefits

  •  Metabolism and Weight Loss Support: Consuming collagen supplements has been shown to support weight loss and boost metabolism. Additionally, collagen aids in muscle repair and growth, which can further enhance the body's ability to burn calories and support weight management. 

Related article: Can Collagen Really Help You Lose Weight?

collagen supplements has been shown to support weight loss and boost metabolism

How Many Types of Collagen Are There, and What Are They?

While there are many different types of collagen, only three of them make up approximately 80-90% of our body's collagen.

  • Type I: Type I collagen is the most plentiful type of collagen in the human body. It makes up over 70% of all collagen and is present in the structure of our skin, hair, nails, tendons, and bones. 
  • Type II: Collagen type II is mainly found in cartilage. It supports the joint from shock and supports the flexibility of cartilage.
  • Type III: Type III collagen helps maintain the structure of muscles, organs, and arteries. It's an important component of a comprehensive wellness plan.
  • Type V: Type V collagen is present within the layers of your skin. It is a vital part of basement membranes, which provide both functional and structural support to various cell types.
  • Type X: Mature cartilage cells, known as hypertrophic chondrocytes, are super important in bone development. They undergo enlargement and maturation, contributing to the growth and structure of bones. Type X collagen, found in these cells, supports the health and function of joints and bones, ensuring their strength and flexibility.

What Are the Different Sources of Collagen?

Collagen can be sourced from many options, and each one offers benefits such as:

Bovine Collagen

Bovine collagen is a natural protein that forms in a cow’s cartilage and bones. It contains collagen type I and collagen type III, which are the essential components of hair, muscles, nails, skin, ligaments, bones, and blood vessels.

Vegan Collagen

Although there is no actual usable collagen from plants, since collagen is a protein that comes from animals, plant based collagen supports the body's natural collagen production without relying on animal sources, and is great for enhancing collagen synthesis.

Read more: 13 Best Sources to Increase Vegan Collagen

Vegan Collagen is a plant-based supplement

Marine Collagen

Marine collagen is a common collagen source produced by marine organisms, mainly fish. It is primarily made from fishing by-products and frequently contains skin and scales. Marine collagen contains significant levels of Types I and III collagen and is well-known for its excellent bioavailability.

Hydrolyzed Collagen

In the procedure of hydrolysis, collagen is broken down into its component portions, which results in the formation of hydrolyzed collagen (collagen hydrolysate). Before we can use collagen, our bodies must break it down. This new form is called hydrolyzed collagen or collagen hydrolysate.

Related article: What is Hydrolyzed Collagen?

Collagen Peptides

If you break down animal collagen through hydrolysis, collagen peptides are made! In other words, collagen peptides are also known as hydrolyzed collagen! Hydrolyzed collagen is more bioavailable for our bodies, which means our bodies can absorb it more effectively. Which is what allows the body to absorb and get the most out of the benefits that come with collagen, supporting overall joint and bone health.
Here at Vitauthority Multi Collagen Burn, we take pride in being the only collagen on the market that contains SOD B Dimpless. You won’t be able to find it in any other collagen supplement on the market!

Multi Collagen Burn

Why Do We Need More Collagen?

Collagen supplements can help keep our skin hydrated and elastic, making it appear younger and more vibrant. Our bodies' collagen production naturally reduces as we age, so collagen promotes joint health by reducing pain and increasing mobility. Collagen is essential for preserving strong bones and muscles, preventing fractures, and promoting muscle mass and growth. Collagen also improves gut health and promotes stronger hair and nails.

Related article: Why Every Woman Should Consider Collagen Supplements

Collagen supplements can help keep our skin hydrated and elastic

How to Choose the Best Collagen Supplement?

To get the most out of a collagen supplement, look for one with skin-beneficial ingredients like Hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C.
Finding the best collagen supplement is the key. Begin by identifying what you want to enhance, such as vibrant skin, strong joints, or your overall wellness. Then, choose a type of collagen that matches your objectives. Choose from marine, bovine, or plant-based options based on your dietary preferences and values. Pick a clean and straightforward product from a trustworthy brand that is open about its quality. Finally, choose something that feels right for you and makes you happy and feel your best!

Multi Collagen with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What type of collagen is best for the skin?

Type I collagen is the most widespread type of collagen in the body. It maintains collagen levels in the skin, hair, and nails, and it’s best for the skin!

What are collagen types I and III?

Collagen Types I and III are both needed for maintaining healthy and vibrant skin and help with its elasticity. Type III specifically increases the skin’s elasticity, and Type I offers structure and strength. They work simultaneously to support your joints, skin, hair, and nails.

Do I Need All 5 Types of Collagen?

It depends on your lifestyle, interests, and the goals you hope to achieve by using collagen supplements. Always consult your doctor before adding any new supplement to your daily routine.