Rebecca's Vita-Journey: A Testimonial on Vita-Multi & Essential Probiotics

Written by: Rebecca



Time to read 3 min

Hello Hello!

My name is Rebecca and I’m the Content Strategist here at Vitauthority! I have the pleasure of managing our social media presence as well as creating all those super fun & amazing photoshoots! This dream of a job has given me the opportunity to dive into my creativity and expand our brand presence as a whole! If you were to ask me 2 years ago if this is what I thought I'd be doing, I’d be convinced you’re lying. Vitauthority has helped me grow within myself while also teaching me what it takes to strengthen a brand and its presence online!

Vitauthority Marketing Content Strategist for Vitauthority

When I started working at Vitauthority, I had no idea what supplements I wanted to take nor did I really know what supplements could do to your body and the benefits that some offer. 

Your parents always tell you to take your vitamins as a kid, and of course, you do as they say. As an adult, I take a little bit more convincing because I’m nosy and need to know all the facts before putting something into my body. The two that have done wonders for me are our Vita-Multi and our Essential Probiotics!

My Vita Multi Journey

I not only am a fast-paced human, but I also go to the gym every day, and sometimes it’s really hard to get my daily vitamins & minerals in. The Vita Multi contains so many important vitamins that have honestly helped maintain my skin and regulate my body just a little bit more, while the Essential Probiotics have helped relieve my bloating & overall digestive issues. If you workout or do any type of physical training, then you know how important it is to keep your body healthy from within, and that was something I was failing at prior to incorporating these into my daily life.

Adding Essential Probiotics

The Essential Probiotics, which I’ve been taking regularly for the past month and a half, have really helped with my bloating and complexion. For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with bloating, and no matter what I changed in my diet, it was something that never fully went away. When I started adding these to my routine, I honestly didn’t know what to expect, but these are now a staple in my daily life. I started experiencing the benefits after about 2 to 3 weeks of taking them alongside the Vita-Multi and felt a HUGE difference in the way I looked and felt.

Related article: Essential Probiotics: Why This Complete Probiotic Should Be In Your Health Routine

For someone who had never taken supplements before, experiencing the benefits first-hand was exactly what I needed to put me on the right track AND the right routine.

Chef's Kiss

Pairing these two together has really been life-changing, especially for my skin. I had never really struggled with acne or major breakouts as a teenager (such a privilege to say), but as an adult, that’s when everything changed. Throughout my years from age 20 to 23, my skin slowly started to decline in health & overall shine, but 23 was when it hit me. Once I turned 23, my skin was suffering from frequent breakouts, and unfortunately, I was THAT girl who couldn’t stop touching her face, I’s bad. To make it even worse, I’m also a stubborn woman and refused to do anything about it other than continue my normal skincare routine. It reached a point where I was spending so much money on makeup and skincare and doing everything except research on what I could do to determine the cause of these issues.

After finally getting to my breaking point, which took me way too long, I started taking them as a test to see what would happen. About 2 weeks in, I noticed that my breakouts subsided, and I stopped getting those painful cystic pimples that take FOREVER to go away. This was pivotal because I had no idea how beneficial these were and wished I had started taking them sooner. I know we’re talking about multivitamins and probiotics, but for someone who had never taken supplements before, experiencing the benefits first-hand was exactly what I needed to put me on the right track AND the right routine.
Whether you take our supplements or another brand’s, it is SO important to take a probiotic or multivitamin because many of us don’t know what we need to achieve our best selves. I had never imagined these would be such a game-changer, but the combination of Essential Probiotics plus our Vita-Multi is truly just *chef’s kiss*. I don’t think I'll switch back anytime soon.